Week 2 Raspberry Pi

This week we completed the node red activity with the lights and took pictures of the project 

we first had to plug in the light, the transistor, and the button into the bread board. After we plugged in all the wires in the correct spots into the bread board Andy the raspberry pi machine. Unfortunately we could not take pictures of the node red set up on the chromium web browser because the local host:1880 would not let us connect to it. We had the button working where the light was off until we clicked down the button but couldn’t get that to work do to the local host not letting us connect to it. The rest of the week we will be starting on the Alexa project turning the raspberry pi machine into the amazon echo machine.

I learned how to properly use node red to make lights turn on and off and how to connect the wires from the bread board and the raspberry pi. With this we could make a timed light or we could use multiple lights and make something like a stop light .